Matthew Cohen MD

Informational Websites

Advised Medical Websites

General Medical Advice – Sick and Well – This comprehensive site developed by the AAP includes general information about Asthma, videos showing the proper use of Asthma Devices, review of medications and much much more! – One of the largest and most visited sites on the Web with over half a million hits per month. People from all over the world enjoy using this comprehensive user friendly site. – A place where you can find solutions and support if you are experiencing difficulties with your children’s sleep. Here you will find in-depth information covering: the most common sleeping challenges in newborns to school aged children, sleep tools, books and the latest children’s sleep news.

Dietary Recommendations for Children – Daily Estimated Calories and Recommended Servings for Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Milk/Dairy by Age and Gender

KidsHealth One of the largest and most visited sites on the Web providing doctor-approved health information about children and adolescents.

Mayo Clinic Childrens Conditions Provides access to the experience and knowledge of the more than 2,000 physicians and scientists of the Mayo Clinic.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) The AAP is dedicated to the health of all children. Its web site provides reliable and authoritative advice on a variety of child health issues, including immunizations.

CDCs Health Topics for Infants and Children A collection of articles and fact sheets from the CDC on a variety of topics relating to child health. American Academy of Pediatrics Bookstore, your resource for the best in pediatrics. American Academy of Dermatology Basic facts about acne: its causes and treatment.


CHADD – An educational resource on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) CHADD is the nation’s leading non-profit organization serving individuals with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

National Institute of Mental Health website on ADHD Detailed information on the symptoms, causes, and treatments of ADHD.

CDC website on ADHD The Centers for Disease Control website with reliable information on ADHD. Welcome to ADDitude, the leading destination for families and adults living with ADHD and learning disabilities.


International Adoption Information The U.S. Bureau of Consular Affairs’ website with general and country-specific information for families interested in international adoption. Adoptive Families, the award-winning national adoption magazine, is the leading adoption information source for families before, during, and after adoption. The first clinic in the United States providing for the health needs of internationally adopted children through its clinic services, research, and education.



All About Allergies

Environmental Control Measures

How Do Doctors Test for Allergies?

Seasonal Allergies

Allergy Shots Founded in 1991, the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) is the world leader in information about food allergy, a potentially fatal condition that afflicts approximately 12 million Americans, or one out of every 25, and is rapidly increasing in prevalence. Food Allergy Network site for kids. It is loaded with information, games and activities. Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA)… a refreshing new approach to living with allergies and asthma. This fun site was created by the AANMA. Our creative hometown approach to asthma and allergies is like nothing you’ve ever seen.


Click here to download the Asthma Basics Brochure – A Guide for Patients and Parents National Institutes of Health informational web site. Web MD site with links to informational articles. Centers For Disease Control informational web site. American Lung Association information web site. Web site hosted by the EPA, Spanish translation is also available.

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Information about allergic diseases. Includes a Patient/Public Resource Center and a Just For Kids section of resources and puzzles.

Immunization Information

Information on Vaccines – Click here

Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia An educational resource from an academic/research medical center. All your questions answered and all the preventable diseases discussed.

CDC Vaccines and Immunizations – The Centers for Disease Control National Immunization Program.

American Academy of Pediatrics Immunization Information – The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Childhood Immunization Support Program.

Institute for Vaccine Safety – The Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins University.

Vaccines: Fact and Fiction – Parenting Magazine’s guide examines your top worries and puts them to rest.

Every Child by Two – Home page for the Every Child By Two vaccine safety web site.

10 Vaccine Myths – Parenting Magazines article, Ten Vaccine Myths Busted.

MMR Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism – MMR vaccine and autism link refuted. This list of 25 peer reviewed, evidence based articles refutes the link between MMR and autism.

Pennsylvania Immunization Education Program – The Immunization Education Program of the PA Chapter of the AAP.

Immunization Action Coalition – A comprehensive link to the most up-to-date, expert immunization resources available via the Internet.

Paul A. Offit and “Autism’s False Prophets” – Book Is Rallying Resistance to the Anti-vaccine Crusade.

Gardasil – Information on gardasil from Merck.

Infectious Disease and Travel

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The CDC serves as the national focus for promoting health and quality of life through its efforts to prevent and control disease, injury, and disability. – Recommendations for the treatment of Pediculosis Capitis (HEAD LICE) in children.

Teens We produce college, career and life planning publications for life after high school. Our market is teens, counselors and parents. Here’s where you’ll find the key resources you need about college choice, majors/minors, financial aid, college applications, job searching tools and much more. It is never too early to begin planning for college. We offer a year-by-year checklist to help you keep the college planning process on track. Encourages young people to create their own vision for making a difference in their community and provides them with the resources and support needed. Youth Crime Watch of America brings youth of all backgrounds together to identify and correct problems unique to their schools and communities. The YCWA program empowers youth to take an active role in addressing the problems around them. Youth takes ownership of their own YCWA program for their school, neighborhood, public housing site, recreational center or park. Providing Youths with alternatives to crime and incarceration.

New York State Resources
NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Early Intervention:

Phone: (518) 473-7016; E-mail:

NYSDOH Autism Page:

NYSDOH Clinical Practice Guidelines on Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorders:

NYSDOH Free autism brochures and posters order form:

NYACTS – New York Adults and Children on The Autism Spectrum:

NYS Educational Department Autism Web Pages:

NYSED Special Education – Assistance for Parents Web Page:

Parents for Parents of NYS:; Phone: 1-866-727-6970

Important Information